Quotes đź’—
In the words of Anne Frank, “I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.”
A tiny bud of a smile on your lips nourishes awareness and calms you miraculously… your smile will bring happiness to you and to those around you.
smile yoga - Thich Naht Hanh
Your Personal Brand includes both your personal and professional identity. It also includes both online and offline communication, as well as both explicit and implicit communication. We FILTER what we share in each situation depending on the context and the audience. - Dr Andrea Wojnicki
Coaching is guiding a person toward their own inner wisdom, clarity, and sense of possibility.
Tara Sophia Mohr
Tyler Cowell:  one of the highest value things you can do in life is raise other people's aspirations.
Emerson on selecting the right gift to give at Christmas and New Year (1844) | Online Library of Liberty
The tongue can paint what the eyes can't see. - Chinese Proverb