Anne Muehlethaler
Swiss Intl Light. Likes to make magic happen✨
Consultant | Coach | Teacher | Writer |
Discover Out of the Clouds, the podcast
+ The Mettā View
Anne Muehlethaler
Swiss Intl Light. Likes to make magic happen✨
Consultant | Coach | Teacher | Writer |
Discover Out of the Clouds, the podcast
+ The Mettā View
You can to keep the muscle under tension. If you don’t, you don’t see growth.
When we treat our audiences and don’t traumatise them, we leave them engaged and ready to learn.
The next time you create a campaign or a conversation, are you leaning into drama triangle or empowerment dynamic.
Leaving the business of awareness and leaning into the business of change.
Natasha McDermottt
TEDxLondon Festival of Ideas
Drama triangle makes us trapped in anxiety in our conversations and we can’t get out.
Communication strategies that focus on this system, leading with details of the trauma, we cast the person sharing as the sufferer.
As an audience, we may be angry, so we become the blâmer, or we pity them and turn to the rescuer.
Andre Anderson TEdxLondon festival of ideas
Play to grow and learn
Listen for connection, not conversion
Check for source - TEdxLondon
My mother criticised my appetite, however my father who never said a word about it, would criticise my body. That memory of showing off a new dress I’d found in a second hand store for $20 and him saying ~ you look good but your butt is still too big
Thomas Hubl podcast, the Point of Integration - episode the Healing Art of Integration
On judgement, integration, Thomas Hübl podcast The Point of Relation Podcast - episode the healing art of integration.
To make something good, just do it. To make something great, just redo it, redo it, redo it. The secret to making fine things is in remaking them.