quote garden
A flourishing collection of wisdom, where each quote is a seed that blossoms into inspiration
quote garden
A flourishing collection of wisdom, where each quote is a seed that blossoms into inspiration
To know what people really think, pay attention to what they do, rather than what they say.
“Death lies heavy upon one who, known exceedingly well by all, dies unknown to himself.” —SENECA, THYESTES
One way to view liberty, as George Orwell reminded us, is the right “to do what you like in your spare time.” You should be able to choose your amusements, he wrote, “not have them chosen for you from above.” Letting someone else’s ideas about performance stop you from trying something means relinquishing your freedom.
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George Orwell definiu a liberdade como "o direito de fazer aquilo que gostamos em nosso tempo livre". Devemos então ser capazes de escolher nossas diversões — e não deixar que alguém as escolha por nós. Neste sentido, deixar que o que pensam outras pessoas sobre desempenho nos impedir de tentar, de experimentar algo novo significa renunciar à nossa liberdade.
You can tell whether a man is clever by his answers. You can tell whether a man is wise by his questions. —Naguib Mahfouz
As Ravi Kumar, president of the IT giant Infosys, describes it, “You have to learn to learn, learn to unlearn, and learn to re-learn.”
After he was fired from Apple, Steve Jobs wrote, “the heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything.” He soon enjoyed an intensely creative period.
Steve Jobs escreveu, depois de deixar a Apple, que "o peso de ser bem-sucedido foi substituído pela leveza de ser novamente um iniciante, menos certo sobre todas as coisas". Em seguida, desfrutou de um período intensamente criativo.
Or as Orville Wright put it: “The airplane stays up because it doesn’t have time to fall.