
We live in a frictionless age in which process is typically obscured by results. You press a few buttons on your phone, and a car or dinner comes to you, a moving blue dot on a map, hiding a whole range of human effort.
Tom Vanderbilt • Beginners
Being a beginner is precisely about putting your status aside, about being willing to listen to and learn from others, about revealing your insecurities.
Tom Vanderbilt • Beginners
Learning a skill means doing the most with the least. Expert performers, we often say, “make it look easy.” This is for good reason.
Tom Vanderbilt • Beginners
When we become skilled at something, it becomes automatic. We don’t have to think much about it, because our brain, running on virtual autopilot, is constantly making predictions—and most of its predictions are true.
Tom Vanderbilt • Beginners
“Driving with background music,” one researcher speculated, “might be the most prevalent music behaviour ever taken on by the human species.”
Tom Vanderbilt • Beginners
“Disbelief in one’s capabilities,” writes the psychologist Albert Bandura, “creates its own behavioral validation.”
Tom Vanderbilt • Beginners
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A descrença em nossas próprias capacidades cria sua própria validação comportamental. Falando em português claro, conforme o meu entendimento em relação ao que o autor está dizendo, se acreditarmos que “podemos fazer”, acabamos de fato conseguindo fazer. E se acreditarmos no contrário, que não podemos fazer, nós mesmos nos impediremos de conseguir fazer de fato.
The best way to fight old habits, as W. Timothy Gallwey suggests in The Inner Game of Tennis, is to “start new ones.”
Tom Vanderbilt • Beginners
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Já tinha ouvido falar disso, mas não acredito que tenha sido através desta citação. Muito interessante.
After he was fired from Apple, Steve Jobs wrote, “the heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything.” He soon enjoyed an intensely creative period.
Tom Vanderbilt • Beginners
Steve Jobs escreveu, depois de deixar a Apple, que "o peso de ser bem-sucedido foi substituído pela leveza de ser novamente um iniciante, menos certo sobre todas as coisas". Em seguida, desfrutou de um período intensamente criativo.
One way to view liberty, as George Orwell reminded us, is the right “to do what you like in your spare time.” You should be able to choose your amusements, he wrote, “not have them chosen for you from above.” Letting someone else’s ideas about performance stop you from trying something means relinquishing your freedom.
Tom Vanderbilt • Beginners
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George Orwell definiu a liberdade como "o direito de fazer aquilo que gostamos em nosso tempo livre". Devemos então ser capazes de escolher nossas diversões — e não deixar que alguém as escolha por nós. Neste sentido, deixar que o que pensam outras pessoas sobre desempenho nos impedir de tentar, de experimentar algo novo significa renunciar à nossa liberdade.