quote garden
A flourishing collection of wisdom, where each quote is a seed that blossoms into inspiration
quote garden
A flourishing collection of wisdom, where each quote is a seed that blossoms into inspiration
... See more“A maioria das pessoas ama algo que só existe na imaginação delas. O objeto do amor não é um homem ou uma mulher da realidade, mas o que ele ou ela é na imaginação. A pessoa real não passa de um molde usado para criar esse amor ideal. Com o tempo, as pessoas descobrem as diferenças entre esse amor ideal e o molde. Elas vão permanecer juntas se cons
“If you can't decide, the answer is no”
— Naval Ravikant, entrepreneur
- You feel guilty when you rest.
- Your self-esteem is largely based on good performance in your career.
- Productivity is more important than health.
- The belief that hard work = happiness.
- You feel lazy even when you are in pain, experiencing trauma or adversity.
- You use busyness as a means of avoiding needs
Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.
– Carrie Fisher
Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes.
– Maggie Smith
“Don’t you want to be alive before you die?”
― Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See
“Death lies heavy upon one who, known exceedingly well by all, dies unknown to himself.” —SENECA, THYESTES