Product Discovery
Founders spoke to a median of 30 potential customers to validate their idea before committing.
Lenny Rachitsky • How the most successful B2B startups came up with their original idea
Sarah Wong added 1mo
It is the responsibility of the whole team to continuously ask each other:
“Is this the smallest thing we can do to test our riskiest assumption?”
Rik Higham • The MVP is dead. Long live the RAT. | HackerNoon
Sarah Wong added 4mo
Most of us have pre-ordered a book before. I’ve sold every single one of my courses before I did all of the course production work. Plenty of products are bought and then made to order (think Dell computers, custom cars, and even Boeing airplanes). Many startups concierge test their ideas before they start building—this means they sell and manually... See more
Ask Teresa: How Can You Test a Customer’s Willingness to Pay? - Product Talk
Sarah Wong added 6mo
Here’s what pain and pull look like in practice:
- People pay you money: Several people start to (or offer to) pay for your early product, ideally people you don’t have a direct connection to.
- Strong emotion: You’re hearing hatred for the incumbents (i.e. pain) or a deep and strong emotional reaction to your idea (i.e. pull).
- Cold inbound interest: Y
Lenny Rachitsky • How to validate your B2B startup idea
Sarah Wong added 1mo
Sarah Wong added 6mo
Validating hypothesis & willingness to pay
A Good Approach: Ask About the Past
So in the framework of good, better, best, what counts as “good”? We can ask, “What have you done in the past?” If you’re trying to understand what someone would pay for something, ask them if they pay for something like that today. If I’m going to do a new streaming entertainment service, I can ask you, “What su... See more
So in the framework of good, better, best, what counts as “good”? We can ask, “What have you done in the past?” If you’re trying to understand what someone would pay for something, ask them if they pay for something like that today. If I’m going to do a new streaming entertainment service, I can ask you, “What su... See more
Ask Teresa: How Can You Test a Customer’s Willingness to Pay? - Product Talk
Sarah Wong added 6mo
Willingness to pay
The illusion of knowledge: We can't learn things when we believe we already know, so this illusion of knowledge hinders our effort to discover. Recall the bull: beauty is in the simplest outcome (and often we’re stuck amidst the higher complexity phases, and so we actually don’t really know until we get to the simplest form of the bull or can expla... See more
CEO diary entry: control, accountability, whiplash & anxiety
Sarah Wong added 1mo
I had heard many times that startup success is PACE OF LEARNING. But it took me a while to internalize that. A good way to maintain a strong pace of learning is to be in discovery mode
CEO diary entry: control, accountability, whiplash & anxiety
Sarah Wong added 1mo
The Best Approach: Ask Customers to Pay Right Now
Ask Teresa: How Can You Test a Customer’s Willingness to Pay? - Product Talk
Sarah Wong added 6mo
Willingness to pay
A Better Approach: Run a Demand Test
We can simulate the buying experience and see if it resonates with people. We can mock up our pricing page including our different packages, what is included with each package, how the pricing will work (e.g. monthly, annual, subscriptions, one-time payments, etc.) and the price for each package. The goal is to ... See more
We can simulate the buying experience and see if it resonates with people. We can mock up our pricing page including our different packages, what is included with each package, how the pricing will work (e.g. monthly, annual, subscriptions, one-time payments, etc.) and the price for each package. The goal is to ... See more
Ask Teresa: How Can You Test a Customer’s Willingness to Pay? - Product Talk
Sarah Wong added 6mo
Willingness to pay