Whenever we are unsure how to act, we look to the group to guide our behavior. We are constantly scanning our environment and wondering, “What is everyone else doing?” We check reviews on Amazon or Yelp or TripAdvisor because we want to imitate the “best” buying, eating, and travel habits. It’s usually a smart strategy. There is evidence in numbers
... See moreJames Clear • Atomic Habits: the life-changing million-copy #1 bestseller
Wer sich für den Menschen einsetzt, tritt auch gegen die Mächtigen der Erde an. Für sie ist ein hoffnungsvolles Menschenbild rundherum bedrohlich. Staatsgefährdend. Autoritätsuntergrabend. Schließlich bedeutet es immer, dass wir keine egoistischen Tiere sind, die von oben herab kontrolliert, reguliert und dressiert werden müssen. Es könnte außerdem
... See moreRutger Bregman, Ulrich Faure und Gerd Busse • Im Grunde Gut
Maybe all the talking about the bad influence of smartphones and social media having a bad influence on young people is heavily exaggerated - and just an excuse to not bother much about making their living and learning conditions better, and caring more about the future world they gonna have to live in
Note by JBird4049 on Substack
substack.comDo not waste the remainder of your life in thoughts about others, when you are not thinking with reference to some aspect of the common good. —Meditations 3.4
The Dark Heart of Individualism
“Seven social sins: politics without principles, wealth without work, pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without morality, science without humanity, and worship without sacrifice.” — Mahatma Gandhi