Personal Manuals, Manifestos, principles, and Read MEs

user manuals or manifestos written by people/managers on style, philosophies, expectations, communication, mission, and more

by sari and · updated 3mo ago

  • Preview of ffe82e28-jpeg

    andrea added 1y ago

  • A list of 25 Principles of Adult Behavior by John Perry Barlow

    4 highlights

    Thumbnail of A list of 25 Principles of Adult Behavior by John Perry Barlow

    sari added 1y ago

  • Our tone of voice

    Thumbnail of Our tone of voice

    sari added 1y ago

  • Thumbnail of Image

    from Image

    sari added 1y ago

  • sari added 1y ago

  • from Defined by negatives - Austin Kleon

    phoebe added 1y ago

  • Working with Claire: an unauthorized guide

    by Elad Gil

    Thumbnail of Working with Claire: an unauthorized guide

    sari added 2y ago

  • Working with Brie

    3 highlights

    sari added 2y ago

  • visakanv's 50yr "plan" for global nerd network [wip]

    2023 reboot of the dominos doc "We build our computer (systems) the way we build our cities: over time, without a plan, on top of ruins." - Ellen Ullman I’m revisiting Lim’s question again: “If you wanted to 100x your ability to find truly talented people with world changing potential, how wo...

    by Visakan Veerasamy

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    Thumbnail of visakanv's 50yr "plan" for global nerd network [wip]

    sari added 2y ago

  • The internet used to be fun

    Thumbnail of The internet used to be fun

    Alex Dobrenko added 3mo ago