When thinking about what projects/clients to take on, here are a few of the things I'm looking for. https://t.co/xgxZ5ITbW2

Thumbnail of www-x-com-kevintwohy-status-1679262087921700864
When thinking about what projects/clients to take on, here are a few of the things I'm looking for. https://t.co/xgxZ5ITbW2

A Map for Indie Living

Tom Critchlowtomcritchlow.com
Thumbnail of A Map for Indie Living
Thumbnail of www-x-com-itaydre-status-1794718084684714448

How Running A Business Changes The Way You Think | Kalzumeus Software

Thumbnail of How Running A Business Changes The Way You Think | Kalzumeus Software

6 lessons I learned working at an art gallery

Henrik Karlssonhenrikkarlsson.xyz
Thumbnail of 6 lessons I learned working at an art gallery

Projects and Companies

Sam Altmanblog.samaltman.com
Thumbnail of Projects and Companies

I finally got tired of my own bullshit

Sari Azoutsublimeinternet.substack.com
Thumbnail of I finally got tired of my own bullshit

The Strategic Independent

Tom Critchlowtomcritchlow.com
Thumbnail of The Strategic Independent