on building things
Anna Wintour’s biography turned into maxims:
1. Hire talented people as found, not as needed.
2. Taste is as rare as a unicorn.
3.Your employees should describe you as “easy to understand.”
4.Pretend to be completely in control and people will assume that you are.
5.Have a sharp eye for the weaknesses of others.
6.Combine ruthless efficiency with hyp... See more
1. Hire talented people as found, not as needed.
2. Taste is as rare as a unicorn.
3.Your employees should describe you as “easy to understand.”
4.Pretend to be completely in control and people will assume that you are.
5.Have a sharp eye for the weaknesses of others.
6.Combine ruthless efficiency with hyp... See more
David Senra • Tweet
It’s not enough to tell one good story; you have to create an entire world that people can step into, familiarize themselves with, and spend time getting to know. Initially you’ll have to walk them around and show them what’s in your world, but your goal is to familiarize them with your world sufficiently, and motivate them to participate, to the p... See more
Alex Danco • World Building
Happiness is not how many things you do, but how well you do them.
Brianna Wiest • 101 Essays That Will Change The
Every “overnight success” is the result of years of thankless work. Success comes not from great acts of genius but from doing lots of small things consistently
23 Truths I Wish I Knew at 23
My job is not to think about what exists but rather what I want that does not yet exist.
Lessons I'm still learning
Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
In the most simple terms possible: a good quest makes the future better than our world today, while a bad quest doesn't improve the world much at all, or even makes it worse.