Media Studies

by Keely Adler and · updated 11d ago

  • from Media Saturation & Having Media Speak For Us

    aron added 11d ago

  • from Article

    Faith Hahn added 1mo ago

  • Presentation: Year(s) Ahead in Media

    by Doug Shapiro

    Thumbnail of Presentation: Year(s) Ahead in Media

    Jilber Najem added 3mo ago

  • A Society That Lost Focus

    Thumbnail of A Society That Lost Focus

    Jilber Najem added 3mo ago

  • andrea added 10mo ago

  • Cory Doctorow: How Big Tech Captured Culture | The Agenda

    Faith Hahn added 10mo ago

  • Everyone Is Beautiful and No One Is Horny

    by Blood Knife

    Thumbnail of Everyone Is Beautiful and No One Is Horny

    Faith Hahn added 10mo ago

  • The End of Social Media and the Rise of Recommendation Media

    by Michael Mignano

    17 highlights

    Thumbnail of The End of Social Media and the Rise of Recommendation Media

    Faith Hahn added 10mo ago

  • The Adults In The Room

    by Megan Greenwell

    Thumbnail of The Adults In The Room

    Faith Hahn added 10mo ago

  • Price Point 031: TV Questions Asked of TV Companies

    Thumbnail of Price Point 031: TV Questions Asked of TV Companies

    Jilber Najem added 1y ago