
by Esther Eze and · updated 6d ago

  • Preview of f3cil1aaoaemwli-jpg

    Faith Hahn added 10mo ago

  • Nightwood by Djuna Barnes

    4 cards · by Mike Hobson

    Mike Hobson added 5mo ago

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    Bora added 7mo ago

  • Creatures of the dark

    by Jeanette Winterson

    Cover of Creatures of the dark

    Mike Hobson added 5mo ago

  • Mike Hobson added 5mo ago

  • from Kafka on the Nudist Beach by Alexander

    Faith Hahn added 10mo ago

  • from On "Prose-Forward" Writing and the Pleasures of Different Genre Conversations by Lincoln Michel

    Faith Hahn added 10mo ago

  • Preview of fitzgerald-jpeg

    Bora added 7mo ago

  • Nightwood and the "Terror of Uncertain Signs” Laurentis

    Nightwood by Djuna Barnes explores the ambiguity and uncertainty of signs and language through its stark and allusive narrative, challenging the reader's expectations and understanding of meaning.

    by Teresa de Lauretis

    Mike Hobson added 5mo ago

  • Preview of thingstolookforwardto-png

    Bora added 6mo ago