philosophical content pointing us towards living a meaningful life
The best way to complain is to make things better.
Seth Godin • Complaints
Joseph Campbell on loving your fate.
Seek people who love and give generously, who have the strength to suffer without causing damage. (Only strong people are safe people, the measure of strength being not the absence of vulnerability — and “weakness” is just a judgment term for vulnerability — but the ability to carry one’s vulnerability with such self-awareness and valor so as not t... See more
Special Edition: 18 Life-Learnings from 18 Years of The Marginalian
Suffering is a tool. Eradicating it from society, may not be a wise choice.
I don’t want to go live in a cabin and swear off AI.
I want a world where “slow AI” doesn’t sound like such an oxymoron.
Where we collectively stop falling for the empty promise of doing more, faster.
And focus on doing less, better.
The goal can’t be making more stuff.
It has to be making something wonderful.
Source: Sari Azout
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Many concepts can be explained concisely, in simple language, and we should all strive for clarity. But the aphorism is a mistake, for a number of thoughts approximate the carpenter’s craft, and to meaningfully reveal them requires time and attention. Sometimes these cannot simply be told to another at all, they must be grown. For a topical example... See more
Simon Sarris • Long Distance Thinking
Flirting is a way of life. Do you smile at the pretty girls, compliment the older ladies, or wink at the moon? How about the birds, when they sing, do you whistle back in tune?
Or what about when driving, do you have a smooth touch & no fear of pushing your car to its limits? In business, do you dare to demand what you want? Are you bold with you... See more
when someone tells me to keep writing, it feels like a command to keep living.