To feel creatively and intellectually alive, you have to stop mindlessly consuming the Internet and start mindfully curating it.
We fear our highest possibilities (as well as our lowest ones). We are generally afraid to become that which we can glimpse in our most perfect moments, under the most perfect conditions, under conditions of greatest courage. We enjoy and even thrill to the godlike possibilities we see in ourselves in such peak moments. And yet we simultaneously sh... See more
The Cure for the Jonah Complex
describe the cosmic humor that's hidden in the problem you're currently struggling with
Visakan Veerasamy • Tweet
"Your calendar is the most honest autobiography you'll ever write.
It doesn't matter what you say your priorities are; your calendar reveals the truth. Each block is a decision about what matters, stripped of pretense and rationalization.
Your calendar isn't just recording your time—it's exposing your lies."
via @farnamstreet
Presence is far more intricate and rewarding an art than productivity.