information diet management
Sixian and
information diet management
Sixian and
Living in a post truth world
the more energy you spend worrying about things outside of your control the less energy you have for creative output within your control.
to find value in a world overflowing with distractions, we have to ruthlessly ignore much of what we see.
image via aaron francis
the truth. “There are a lot of videos on YouTube/TikTok etc. that give the appearance of education… This content is an epsilon away from watching the Bachelorette. It's like snacking on those ‘Garden Veggie Straws’, which feel like you're eating healthy until you look at the ingredients.”
“Information, like food, has a sell-by date. Next quarter’s earnings are worthless after next quarter. And it is for this reason that the information that Zak and I weigh most heavily in thinking about a firm is that which has the longest shelf life, with the highest weighting going to information that is almost axiomatic: it is, in our opinion, th
... See morecritical thinking is no longer enough. we need critical ignoring.
this is exceptional