Parenting and family stuff

good stuff from around the internet on raising good kids, building a family, etc.

by sari and · updated 8d ago

  • from Jim Dethmer: Leading Above the Line [The Knowledge Project Ep. #60] by Shane Parrish

    sari and added 1y ago

  • from The Last of the Monsters with Iron Teeth by Simplicio

    simon added 5mo ago

  • from How to Delay the Age At Which Kids Get Smartphones by Melanie Hempe

    simon added 3mo ago

  • from The Risks of Rewards by Alfie Kohn

    andrea added 6mo ago

  • from Discipline as Encouragement by Samantha Joy

    Stuart Evans added 10mo ago

  • from Algorithms Hijacked My Generation. I Fear For Gen Alpha. by Freya India

    sari added 8mo ago

  • from there’s magic in the climb by glennon doyle

    sari added 1y ago

  • sari and added 1y ago

  • from The Anxious Style of American Parenting by Anne Helen Petersen

    sari and added 1y ago