emotional intelligence

by Yufa and · updated 1mo ago

  • from It’s cool to be kind: The value of empathy at work

    Laura Pike Seeley added 2mo ago

  • from Science-based strategies to help boost emotional intelligence at work and in life

    Laura Pike Seeley added 3mo ago

  • from How to talk to boys so they grow into better men by Keren Landman

    Laura Pike Seeley added 4mo ago

  • from How to talk to boys so they grow into better men by Keren Landman

    Laura Pike Seeley added 4mo ago

  • from How to make your anger work for you

    Laura Pike Seeley added 4mo ago

  • from A 12-Minute Meditation to Widen Your Perspective by Nate Klemp

    simon added 4mo ago

  • Difficult work is often difficult precisely because it involves tolerating some emotional discomfort and doing the work anyway. If your emotional endurance is low, you won’t be able to follow-through on (or sometimes even start) much of the most important work of your life.

from Emotional Endurance

sari added 7mo ago

  • from Tweet by Trinley Goldenberg will be in the Bay

    rob hardy added 8mo ago

  • from The Art and Science of Interoception by Jonny Miller

    Stuart Evans added 10mo ago