Let’s say someone has both a high-functioning theory of mind and an overflowing well of compassion. What then? Well, this is what Hoffman calls “empathic over-arousal.” A person will feel so worn down by the intensity of other people’s emotions that it wears them down — it turns their distress into my actual distress. This might not seem like a bad... See more
a big theme from opening sessions at @bowmansschool is the importance of paying attention to your feelings
a few people have said they don't have access to them, so i thought i'd write a few quick notes on hacks i've used as a formerly severely dissociated person:
There is a skill of how to access information from your emotions.
Most people don’t know how.
They literally cannot read their feelings, in the same way that illiterates cannot read words.
Intellectuals are often illiterate *plus* deny it’s possible to learn to read.