
by sari and · updated 4mo ago

  • Effort

    by Seth Godin

    4 highlights

    Thumbnail of Effort

    sari added 2y ago

  • from 9 Outtakes from James Baldwin's Paris Review interview - Rolf Potts by Rolf Potts

    sari added 1y ago

  • Preview of 9f5fbaed-jpg

    phoebe added 9mo ago

  • andrea added 8mo ago

  • Confidence & cie.

    by Mathilde Baillet

    1 highlight

    Thumbnail of Confidence & cie.

    kev added 1y ago

  • effort

    by Ava

    3 highlights

    Thumbnail of effort

    Adrien added 10mo ago

  • A Theory of General Well-Being

    2 highlights

    Thumbnail of A Theory of General Well-Being

    sari added 2y ago

  • andrea added 4mo ago

  • effort

    by Ava

    4 highlights

    Thumbnail of effort

    sari added 2y ago

  • Preview of am-png-e5c7

    andrea added 8mo ago