Education & Children’s Development
Turner Novak • WeeCare, Carebnb’s, and the US Child Care Epidemic
International Society for Technology in Education,
Christopher Bugaj • The New Assistive Tech: Make Learning Awesome for All!
The WALLOBOOKS Project | Anybody can write, and every child can read.
wallobooks.orgChildren need a balance of nurture and structure, and so do adults. In the process of learning to provide for our children, we need to learn better nurture and structure skills for ourselves as well.
Connie Dawson • Growing Up Again: Parenting Ourselves, Parenting Our Children
gives your child a taste of success, as well as a structure they can use throughout their life to help strengthen their confidence and reach their dreams.
Jason Keil • How to Raise a Confident Child
Those things we keep in a special place and you have to ask permission if you want to use them.
Adele Faber • Siblings Without Rivalry: How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too
“learning by senses, learning by playing.” Some days, the children might go berry-picking; other times, they make bread, chop fruit for fruit salad, or draw pictures of vegetables. Most of the time, they are hardly aware they are learning at all.