
Google's bad week: YouTube loses millions as advertising row reaches US

Olivia Solontheguardian.com

4A's, ad agencies form Advertiser Protection Bureau to take on brand safety

Erica Sweeneymarketingdive.com
Thumbnail of 4A's, ad agencies form Advertiser Protection Bureau to take on brand safety

4A's, ad agencies form Advertiser Protection Bureau to take on brand safety

Erica Sweeney Consumers believe brands intentionally place ads next to unsafe content, study says

Erica Sweeney Consumers believe brands intentionally place ads next to unsafe content, study says

Consumers believe brands intentionally place ads next to unsafe content, study says

Special Report: Top brands are sending $2.6 billion to misinformation websites each year - NewsGuard

Matt Skibinskinewsguardtech.com
Thumbnail of Special Report: Top brands are sending $2.6 billion to misinformation websites each year - NewsGuard

Carlos Diaz Ruiz Disinformation is part and parcel of social media’s business model, new research shows

Carlos Diaz Ruiz Disinformation is part and parcel of social media’s business model, new research shows

Disinformation is part and parcel of social media’s business model, new research shows