copywriting things i wanna remember
Read your copy out loud to yourself. If it helps, pick up a phone and pretend you’re presenting the copy to someone on the other end. (via Adrian Holmes)
Rachel Karten • Great Campaigns Start With Great Copy
Know your target audience. Not intellectually, but intuitively. Think like them, empathize with them, identify with them. Because at some level, the reader needs to like the writer. (via Mary Wear)
Rachel Karten • Great Campaigns Start With Great Copy
Copy is emotions, stories, and truths. Those are the things that stick.
Rachel Karten • Great Campaigns Start With Great Copy
AIDA Acronym:
Attention — hook
Interest — facts
Desire — benefits
Action — cta
An essay should ordinarily start with what I'm going to call a question, though I mean this in a very general sense: it doesn't have to be a question grammatically, just something that acts like one in the sense that it spurs some response.
for copywriting this is easy, i.e. “how do i sell many of x”, but this prompt can be applied generally to just writing.
Product advertising explains the product to me. Brand advertising explains me to me. (via John Bevins)
Rachel Karten • Great Campaigns Start With Great Copy
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