The lowest level of choice is not making a conscious choice at all, which happens when you don’t notice that you even could make a choice. In this case there is effectively no space between stimulus and response, so you just act out your habitual behavior unconsciously. If you ever find yourself skimming the news or looking in the fridge without ha... See more
The most effective way to learn is by tuning in to the subtleties of your internal experience during the vicissitudes of daily life. This is especially true when you feel reactive, frustrated, or triggered by something or someone, as these are usually the moments when there is the most to sense, track, and feel.
Asha Saluja is a rare mix of being a very serious taskmaster, but also a caring person who understands that creative work is made by real people with emotions and lives. She kept our ship running with compassion and also contributed lots of great ideas when we were developing the show.