Cognitive Revolutions
In to a tweet saying: out brains forget things for a reason
2nd brain is an attempt to evolve past that. Should we?
An AI assistant shouldn't have these constraints, but even those are optimized for memory.

Memecoins as a measure of attention (+ popularity)
Podcasts are more accessible and multimodal
This actually wouldn't surprise me
Technological change is only possible with societal (behavioral) change
To use databases, you need to be able to think about your data in a structured way. The people who could do that gained most of the leverage from using databases. The folks who made it easy for people to transition to databases (ERPs and Co) captured the rest.
AI systems are fundamentally scalable decision making engines. And data is the oil required to power it. If you want to properly leverage AI, you need to make sure you're fueling it with the best refined data.
Otherwise, you're no different than the drunk trying to reliably operate complex machinery. The only repeatable part of that is injury.
for an idea to shape society it must be communicated. There are many technical challenges to communicating ideas, and one of the more important ones is applying a gears-level understanding of how people evaluate ideas.
Samo Burja • Intellectual Legitimacy | Samo Burja
Language is our way of giving legibility to ideas.
Only legible ideas survive.
An idea risks signal loss each time it is transmitted. A great idea survives the distance, becoming more legible the further it gets from the source. They survive the common sense test.
Great ideas also retain (or attain) legibility the longer they remain still. An idea at
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