closer to the truth
“Part of the problem,” Tavi said, “is talking about big decisions as changing your life in one way, permanently and finally, even though life keeps going and things change again.”
#211: The purity vortex
In other words: the value of commitment is that you get something tangible in exchange for it. By making a choice, you get something Real. Whereas stewing in your potential and refusing to transform it into something Actual leaves you living more in your head—weighing and considering and thinking about all of the things you could be doing, but not ... See more
on trading potential for something actual
All this time I was optimizing my life for exit options. Now instead, I’ve built a life I don’t want to exit.
Sarah Wood González • making the decision right
What if we stop adding layers of separation between us and the answers and reserve our energy to amplify trust and calm in ourselves?
Answers are available for us as soon as we surrender
Question your maps and models of the universe, both inner and outer, and continually test them against the raw input of reality.
Maria Popova • 18 Life-Learnings From 18 Years of the Marginalian
In truth, the greatest source of envy is not the vacation, the pretty face, or the artwork itself, but the shameful notion that I’m not living my life to the fullest extent.
Alana Cloud-Robinson • Catching The Thief Of Joy Red-Handed
Instead, I outright tell them that they already know, and I ask them questions to help them remember.
Anna Fusco • Let Feathers Ruffle
Simple is hard. It is that simple, and it is that hard.
— Sari Azout
fear often points us toward our longings