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Isaiah: Do The Hard Things
Throughout the Bible, God’s prophets provide a great example of Christian leadership qualities. For example, Isaiah willingly submitted to God’s call on his life (Isaiah 6:1-8). He volunteered before he even saw the job description, which is inspiring. However, the job description was discouraging (Isaiah 6:9-13).
God said
... See moreI often feel overwhelmed, especially when I can't be near my kids. The Lord used Job and Jon this week to challenge and gladden my heart: Do in prayer what you cannot do in person.
So today, our call to action is to live in freedom as a people who have been freed. To do this, we have to stop succumbing to biased truth, fake news, and false messages. We have to remember that when messages have fragments of truth that they might be lies. This is because fragments of truth are dangerous, sometimes resulting in bondage to ideas t
... See moreRather, the prospect of being doomed to loneliness essentially froze and dulled them. And that’s exactly what loneliness does. According to Joiner, loneliness is the “experience of unwanted solitude and disconnection.”5 Further, loneliness has two facets: social isolation and emotional isolation, with emotional loneliness being the symptom of the r
... See moreKing Saul sought to destroy David, but his only success was that he became the instrument of God to put to death the Saul who roamed about in the caverns of David’s own soul. Yes, David was virtually destroyed in the process, but this had to be. Otherwise the Saul in him would have survived.
The late Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen agreed: In his classic HBR article “How Will You Measure Your Life?” he wrote, “I’ve concluded that the metric by which God will assess my life isn’t dollars but the individual people whose lives I’ve touched.”