Chad Hudson
Christian. Husband. Dad. Coach. CISO. Nerd. Love all things tech. Always learning. Enjoy sharing cool things I read/find/learn.
Chad Hudson
Christian. Husband. Dad. Coach. CISO. Nerd. Love all things tech. Always learning. Enjoy sharing cool things I read/find/learn.
"In the 1940’s, men lied about their age so that they could fight in WWII. Today, men lie about their gender so that they can beat girls in sports…"
manhood and christianity
"Fear came into man’s heart with sin. Adam was never afraid of his God till he had broken his commands." — C. H. Spurgeon
manhood and christianity
Men, the enemy is real, and the battle is here. You won’t win it by staying at home, isolating yourself, or making excuses. You need to be in the church, shoulder to shoulder with a band of brothers. Open God’s Word, and let it arm you for the fight. If you don’t understand it, find an older brother to walk with you. Quit waiting. Get on your knees
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Paul doesn’t view righteous anger as against God’s design. As Paul says, “Be angry and do not sin” (Eph. 4:26). Not all anger is sin, though anger can turn sinful. David can be angry and still ask the Lord to examine him to make sure his passion is properly placed and remove anything stained by sin.
There are, however, texts where God commands Israel to destroy their enemies (Deut. 7:2; 13:15; Josh. 6:21). We also have imprecatory psalms that plead with God to mete out judgment on the wicked (e.g., Pss. 5; 17; 28; 35; 40; 137) and a few texts that express hatred for God’s enemies (Deut. 32:41; 33:11). One text that seems to contradict Jesus’s
... See moreBut just as a ship’s crew must remain steadfast during a storm, we are called to stand firm. This is where the phrase “Don’t give up the ship” resonates so deeply. It’s not just a call to endure—it’s a rallying cry for men to embrace their God-given roles, to persevere in faith and mission, and to strengthen the church for the sake of future genera
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Jesus says to love our enemies, but he also calls out for God to bring justice.
Immediately after David says he hates his enemies, he asks God, “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me” (vv. 23–24). After God examines King David (vv. 1-18), the psalm speaks of God directing anger against wickedness (vv. 19-22).
A pastor friend used to say, “A whole Bible makes a whole Christian.” His point was that we need all the Scriptures and can’t rip out one command and make it our banner verse, neglecting all others.
"The Function Of Leadership Is To Produce More Leaders, Not More Followers." — Ralph Nader
manhood and christianity