Saved by Chad Hudson
Brandon Guindon • Intentional
READ the rest of the story in Acts 16:25–34. ANSWER these questions: 1. What did Paul and Silas do that had an impact on the jailer? 2. How did these actions cause the jailer to ask how he could be saved? 3. Tell about a time when your actions led someone to ask you about your faith. (If you don’t have an answer, what simple changes could you make
... See moreBrandon Guindon • Intentional
Each of them intentionally invested in me. Without them I would never be where I’m at today in ministry. And now, looking back, I can see how the people who invested in my life modeled for me what it means to be an intentional disciple maker.
Brandon Guindon • Intentional
Jesus said: “Therefore go and mathēteuō of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. ... In this passage, mathēteuō is in the imperative mode—the form of a command—and that one word typically translates into two English words: make disciple
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When I studied the life of Christ early in my walk, I began to see that Jesus was incredibly intentional in everything he did. He modeled through his actions every truth he taught.
Brandon Guindon • Intentional
Jesus taught his disciples to be “fishers of people,” his analogy for a disciple who makes disciples. The apostle Paul later used the analogy of being an ambassador. Whether we see ourselves as ambassadors, fishers of people, or disciple makers, the terminology revolves around a central concept: you and I, as disciples of Jesus, are called to go ou
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I would venture to say that many people in the church today fall in the unconscious-incapable stage when it comes to making disciples.
Brandon Guindon • Intentional
My heart’s desire is to help every single Christian move from being unconscious-incapable disciple makers to being unconscious-capable disciple makers—making disciples not because we took a class or our church is running a program but because that’s just who we are. I want disciple making to become as natural as breathing for every person who follo
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Jesus spent three-and-a-half years modeling a methodology to the Twelve. He knew that the mission of reaching the world would be left in the hands of his people, the church. Rather than just teaching truth, Jesus lived in such a way that his followers could see the practical application of truth in everyday life. The Scriptures record Jesus living
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Consider your life over the past year. Which stage would you say you are currently in when it comes to being a disciple maker?