Challenging thoughts
Here’s the other problem with Facebook and Twitter and even The New York Times. When you expose yourself to those things, especially in the constant way that people do now—older people as well as younger people—you are continuously bombarding yourself with a stream of other people’s thoughts. You are marinating yourself in the conventional wisdom. ... See more
The American Scholar • Solitude and Leadership
One of my biggest mental breakthroughs was when I changed my mindset from
"This system is stupid and I'm going to spend all my energy fighting it."
"Even though this system is stupid, I'm going to operate within it to my advantage."
Much better results, way less stress.
"This system is stupid and I'm going to spend all my energy fighting it."
"Even though this system is stupid, I'm going to operate within it to my advantage."
Much better results, way less stress.
Aaron Francis (
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