enduring businesses
Three to five rounds of contact will solidify the relationship. Not every round of contact needs to be an in-person meeting—it can be enough to send a quick message.
Alex MacCaw • The Great CEO Within: The Tactical Guide to Company Building
Outside money is Plan Z
David Heinemeier Hansson • Rework
You should hire a sales team only when two conditions are met: You have found an initial version of product-market fit. This means that a significant proportion of your paying customers are renewing their contracts. You have figured out what you are selling and whom you are selling to.
Alex MacCaw • The Great CEO Within: The Tactical Guide to Company Building
The final step in the sourcing process, the one that matters more than anything else you can do, is scheduling thirty minutes on your calendar every week to identify and nurture A Players.
Randy Street • Who: The A Method for Hiring
writes Burgis. “A hierarchy of values is especially critical when choices have to be made between good things.”
Rachel Botsman • How to Realign Your Values
Our response to that is, who cares about controlling people? We treat people like adults by setting mutual goals and letting you decide how to hit them.
themanagershandbook.com • The Manager's Handbook
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