Books: Best Of
Our obituary writer is an extreme, pedantic gossip. He gets things wrong, but he gets them in detail.
Renata Adler • Speedboat
What then shall we choose? Weight or lightness? ... Parmenides posed this very question in the sixth century before Christ. He saw the world divided into pairs of opposites: light/darkness, fineness/coarseness, warmth/cold, being/non-being. One half of the opposition he called positive (light, fineness, warmth, being), the other negative. We might
... See moreMilan Kundera • The Unbearable Lightness of Being
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry • The Little Prince
Hal likes to get high in secret, but a bigger secret is that he’s as attached to the secrecy as he is to getting high.
David Foster Wallace • Infinite Jest
Taciturn, silent, insensible to the new breath of vitality that was shaking the house, Colonel Aureliano Buendía could understand only that the secret of a good old age is simply an honorable pact with solitude.
Gabriel Garcia Marquez • One Hundred Years of Solitude
“All people are insane,” he said. “They will do anything at any time, and God help anybody who looks for reasons.”
Kurt Vonnegut • Mother Night
Do not discount the psychic warmth of the hive.
Chang-rae Lee • On Such a Full Sea: A Novel
I climbed up the Western Wall until I reached the Statue of a Woman carrying a Beehive, fifteen metres above the Pavement. The Woman is two or three times my own height and the Beehive is covered with marble Bees the size of my thumb. One Bee – this always gives me a slight sensation of queasiness – crawls over her left Eye. I squeezed Myself into
... See moreSusanna Clarke • Piranesi
You must go back and put out the fire. So when you are angry, if you continue to interact with or argue with the other person, if you try to punish her, you are acting exactly like someone who runs after the arsonist while everything goes up in flames.