slowing down as a punk act of rebellion

by alexi gunner · updated 8d ago

  • from Awake in the Wild by Mark Coleman

    alexi gunner added 1mo ago

  • from Anu Atluru on Substack

    alexi gunner added 14d ago

  • from Feed Detail Update by Thomas Klaffke

    alexi gunner added 13d ago

  • from Awake in the Wild by Mark Coleman

    alexi gunner added 1mo ago

  • from Understanding the Biophilia Hypothesis

    alexi gunner added 2mo ago

  • from #188 – Vitalik Buterin: Ethereum 2.0 by Vitalik Buterin

    alexi gunner added 1mo ago

  • from Tech Doesn’t Make Our Lives Easier. It Makes Them Faster by Brett Scott

    alexi gunner added 21d ago

  • alexi gunner added 1mo ago