Being a product person

by kaiton · updated 10d ago

  • kaiton added 10d ago

  • from research as leisure activity by Celine Nguyen

    kaiton added 1mo ago

  • Paper Clips

    kaiton added 1mo ago

  • from Sal Khan is pioneering innovation in education…again

    kaiton added 1mo ago

  • from well lol i finally got laid off...but on the bright side.......

    kaiton added 2mo ago

  • from Emotionally Durable Design: Sustaining relationships between users and domestic electronic products by Jonathan Alexander Chapman

    kaiton added 2mo ago

  • kaiton added 2mo ago

  • Notes towards becoming a better investor

    11 cards · by kaiton

    kaiton added 2mo ago

  • Personal Machines and Portable Worlds - Christopher Butler ☼

    Thumbnail of Personal Machines and Portable Worlds - Christopher Butler ☼

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  • Preview of 5215-png

    kaiton added 3mo ago