• an agent in every cup and

  • The Cup of Coffee Theory of AI

    by Billy Oppenheimer

    4 highlights

    Thumbnail of The Cup of Coffee Theory of AI

    an agent in every cup

  • an agent in every cup

  • A Look Back at Q1 '24 Public Cloud Software Earnings

    Thumbnail of A Look Back at Q1 '24 Public Cloud Software Earnings

    Notes towards becoming a better investor

  • from research as leisure activity by Celine Nguyen

    Being a product person and Notes towards becoming a better investor

  • from The Tyranny of the Marginal User by Ivan Vendrov

    an agent in every cup

  • an agent in every cup

  • Agency in the Age of AI

    by Anu

    2 highlights

    Thumbnail of Agency in the Age of AI

    an agent in every cup

  • from Everything Easy is Hard Again by Frank Chimero

    an agent in every cup