It’s funny how much the concept of compose#ability & portability of web3 sounds a little bit more like the web before Google or FB than a better way to build them. Yes, your content becomes atoms you can take with you, but you can’t take the network with you.
I get the theory that free ad-supported networks have incentive problems. I don't agree, but I get it.
However, I don't see why web3 replacing this with transparent & programatic payments controlled by a consensus of good and bad actors would necessarily have better incentives
GLG can be viewed as a "tax" on the global knowledge economy. S-1 numbers are fascinating:
- 21k network members
- $520k annual contract value
- $290mm in recurring revs (as of 6/30/21)
- 102%+ "wallet retention" (completed one project in 90 days) See more
GLG, the world's largest expert network, filed for IPO yesterday.
It has 1 million experts on its books and facilitates calls between them and its 2,700 clients.
Its S-1 highlights the power of aggregation. 👇👇