Claudia Dawson
Writer of | Co-writer of Recomendo | Publisher of Phantom Kangaroo
Claudia Dawson
Writer of | Co-writer of Recomendo | Publisher of Phantom Kangaroo
Dimensions and Inter-realms and
Personal mapping to define types of collective unconscious and sourcing from it for inspiration.
death changes nothing and it is because of this spiritual truth that suicide is suicidal…it doesn’t work. We remain ourselves in spite of death. On the other hand, as disembodied souls, we know very little about free will which, as we are beginning to discover, only exists within the human form. In our so-called “spirit realm,” we are subservient t
... See moreI suggest examining whether a spiritual (meditation) practice 1) develops your capacity for inner Stillness, 2) expands your awareness of your reality constructs, and 3) leads you into your fullest creative sovereignty. Otherwise, you might just be spending time (and money) taking on more forms and patterns of perception rather than truly liberatin
... See moreI suggest that you try to visualize what this feels like. Imagine that you are a higher frequency aspect of your own consciousness and are looking down at several people, each in a different period of history. By simple intent, you can merge with any one of them or all of them at once, become them, and know every facet of what they're thinking and
... See moreEach individual is gifted in a variety of ways. His or her own desires and beliefs activate certain abilities and ignore others.
Dreams deal with associations and with emotional validities that often do not seem to make sense in the usual world. I said before that no one can really give you a definition of the psyche. It must be experienced. Since its activities, wisdom and perception rise largely from another kind of reference, then you must often learn to interpret your en
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