Dr. Chi-Hua Wang
Dr. Chi-Hua Wang
I like to think of data visualization as a story. The main character is the user, and we can go two ways. A story of charts and graphs might read a lot like a textbook; however, a story with context, relationships, interactions, patterns, and explanations reads like a novel.
Framing Days as a Collection of Hours
If you set aside 1 hour per day to dedicate to a topic of interest, how would your life change? “A day” feels long, lots of time to fill, that often if I know I have a day to do something, I struggle to get around to it. But if I have 1 hour, per day, for a month, to “do the thing”… imagine how much better of a
... See more感覺用那個一天八個三小時在管理事情跟經歷還蠻不錯用的 每次分成三個小時 然後醒著的每一塊三小時我都會設計做三件事情 那其實比如說如果這個時間區塊其實只剩下一個小時 那你也可以趕快列三件比較簡單的事情去做 然後如果接下來的三個小時你可以完整使用 那你也可以列一些比較困難 然後需要深入的事情去做 然後主要每三個小時去review一下自己剛剛時間怎麼花費 它其實可以帶給你一個比較具體的踏實感 知道說你的時間是怎麼被應用 然後也可以知道你精力還是你的思考精力投資在哪裡 然後具體拿到什麼結果 然後我用A4紙紀錄 然後再用盧曼的編號法則去組織這些紀錄 那其實就是很貼切的工作紀錄 而且都還蠻詳細的 然後我覺得這個之後如果再重新看應該也會非常有用 尤其是在寫週報啊 還是寫日記之類的都可以看著這些想起來