Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
If you leave a trace of your thinking on your activity, you will be attached to the trace. For instance, you may say, “This is what I have done!” But actually it is not so. In your recollection you may say, “I did such and such a thing in some certain way,” but actually that is never exactly what happened. When you think in this way you limit the a
... See moreShunryu Suzuki • Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
We should find perfect existence through imperfect existence. We should find perfection in imperfection. For us, complete perfection is not different from imperfection. The eternal exists because of non-eternal existence. In Buddhism it is a heretical view to expect something outside this world. We do not seek for something besides ourselves. We sh
... See moreShunryu Suzuki • Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
If you seek for freedom, you cannot find it. Absolute freedom itself is necessary before you can acquire absolute freedom. That is our practice.
Shunryu Suzuki • Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
Happiness is sorrow; sorrow is happiness. There is happiness in difficulty; difficulty in happiness. Even though the ways we feel are different, they are not really different; in essence they are the same. This is the true understanding transmitted from Buddha to us.
Shunryu Suzuki • Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
Nighttime and daytime are not different. The same thing is sometimes called nighttime, sometimes called daytime. They are one thing.
Shunryu Suzuki • Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
In some ways Buddhism is rather polemical, with some feeling of controversy in it, because the Buddhist must protect his way from mystic or magical interpretations of religion.
Shunryu Suzuki • Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
You must be true to your own way until at last you actually come to the point where you see it is necessary to forget all about yourself.
Shunryu Suzuki • Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
The true purpose is to see things as they are, to observe things as they are, and to let everything go as it goes.
Shunryu Suzuki • Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
In the beginner’s mind there is no thought, “I have attained something.” All self-centered thoughts limit our vast mind. When we have no thought of achievement, no thought of self, we are true beginners.
Shunryu Suzuki • Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
If you think there is some other way to accept the eternal truth that everything changes, that is your delusion.