#Disemination and #implementation go hand-in-hand, but it's important to also clearly distinguish between the two. The authors of this paper look closely at dissemination, like how it's defined, key contracts & frameworks, and more. đź“ŽRead: https://t.co/CjqwCwhklL https://t.co/r11fbBJyI6
Delivery is where you roll out the solution to users.
Gayle McDowell • Cracking the PM Career: The Skills, Frameworks, and Practices To Become a Great Product Manager (Cracking the Interview & Career)
organizational priorities
Margaret Saponaro • Collection Management Basics (Library and Information Science Text Series)
In order to launch and market your product, you need to be able to answer the following questions: Where do I find innovators, early adopters, and potential design partners willing to give us a try? What are the major problems my product solves, and how important are these problems to my potential customers? Is this the right problem, and is ours t
... See moreAndy Budd • The Growth Equation: How Early Stage Startups Can Build a Powerful Engine for Growth
How could we communicate our message? How much time and effort will it take? How could the solution look and feel? How will this be produced? How will this be maintained? How will this be measured? How will we know if we've succeeded?
Abby Covert • How to Make Sense of Any Mess: Information Architecture for Everybody
take steps to do it, let alone implement systems for doing it and maintaining it.
Nick Sonnenberg • Come Up for Air: How Teams Can Leverage Systems and Tools to Stop Drowning in Work
the creation of a cross-functional team, or a set of teams that break down the traditional silos of marketing and product development and combine talents; • the use of qualitative research and quantitative data analysis to gain deep insights into user behavior and preferences; and • the rapid generation and testing of ideas, and the use of rigorous
... See moreSean Ellis • Hacking Growth: How Today's Fastest-Growing Companies Drive Breakout Success
How do we move forward with an acute awareness that the ground is shifting as we go?
Boudewijn Bertsch • Cynefin - Weaving Sense-Making Into the Fabric of Our World ED02
Assessing the degree to which data from different sources can be brought together into a meaningful common framework (which is what is meant by the term “data integration”).