commitment is an act of agency
commitment is the only secret knowledge
everything else is just a distraction // Conquer Avoidance course is live!!!
May 19
Pre-essay announcement: I am offering a course to help you conquer your avoidance and liberate your creativity . If you have been avoiding something within yourself ... See more
commitment is the only secret knowledge
Commitment to anything involves sacrifice, but right sacrifices shape you into the person you want to be.
-via bookbear express
In the context of a team, commitment is a function of two things: clarity and buy-in. Great teams make clear and timely decisions and move forward with complete buy-in from every member of the team, even those who voted against the decision.
Patrick M. Lencioni • The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, Enhanced Edition: A Leadership Fable (J-B Lencioni Series)
Pete Davis • Dedicated: The Case for Commitment in an Age of Infinite Browsing
Another great way to strengthen your commitment skills is always to have at least one slightly difficult thing you are doing “just cuz.” When we commit to values, our minds sometimes e-value-ate those choices in ways that miss their deeper point.
Steven Hayes • A Liberated Mind: The essential guide to ACT
There is one rule, though: once you discover your truth, you have to go all in. Fully. Every single chip. That is when the shift happens. As if there’s a force in life waiting for us to make the decision, to commit, jump off that cliff. Then life breathes a deep sigh and opens the gates, fills the sails.
Kamal Ravikant • Live Your Truth
In consciously making a commitment, they’re closing off their fantasies of infinite possibility in favor of what I described, in the previous chapter, as the “joy of missing out”: the recognition that the renunciation of alternatives is what makes their choice a meaningful one in the first place.