Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
We’re seeing something here about insight, that the truth is not just a matter of knowing a certain fact. With an insight, there is an energetic sense in your mind and body that indicates more certainty
A. H. Almaas • Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
That is why the personality is called automatic. It is mechanical. After a while, everything happens
A. H. Almaas • Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
That’s how Socrates knew. He had a voice always telling him that something was true or not true.
A. H. Almaas • Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
You say, “I want to grow,” and in your mind, growing means becoming a bigger, happier, more colorful larva.
A. H. Almaas • Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
Letting go of the old for something new to develop. AH: Exactly.
A. H. Almaas • Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
As long as there’s a part of you that wants to go somewhere or finds another part unacceptable, there is no freedom.
A. H. Almaas • Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
Rather difficult to accept. My habitual tendency is to want change. And since things stay the same there is an even greater urge to effect change!
A lot of the time, when you really get into it, that is not what happens. You forget about all these things. There is a very strong motivation that says, “I want to experience this.” What is that desire? Where does it come from?
A. H. Almaas • Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
Even though your struggle seems very painful and difficult at times, it has its usefulness.
A. H. Almaas • Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
It is not that suffering is noble in itself or valuable to the Work as such. We suffer because we are not in touch with ourselves;
A. H. Almaas • Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
Part of understanding is understanding the resistance to understanding.