Which people tend to be more zero-sum? In general respondents who are in urban areas, younger, with lower income or lower educational achievements. Zero-sum thinking also varies by state: respondents in Utah are the least zero-sum; those in NY are among the most zero-sum. 7/23 https://t.co/uoJ8wR7N4f

Thumbnail of www-x-com-s-stantcheva-status-1703765552571769320
Which people tend to be more zero-sum? In general respondents who are in urban areas, younger, with lower income or lower educational achievements. Zero-sum thinking also varies by state: respondents in Utah are the least zero-sum; those in NY are among the most zero-sum. 7/23 https://t.co/uoJ8wR7N4f

Luis M. A. Bettencourt Introduction to Urban Science: Evidence and Theory of Cities as Complex Systems

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J. D. Williams The Compleat Strategyst: Being a Primer on the Theory of Games of Strategy (Dover Books on Mathematics)

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