Gen X’ers also had inflated self-views in their youth, but Millennials next-leveled them.
Jean M. Twenge • Generations
Pet supplies and pet boarding will be growth industries.
Jean M. Twenge • Generations
Millennial women’s incomes are considerably higher than the incomes of women in four previous generations
Jean M. Twenge • Generations
If Boomers’ defining moment was the JFK assassination, for Gen X’ers “There is only one question,” insists X’er Susan Gregory Thomas: “When did your parents get divorced?”
Jean M. Twenge • Generations
Overall, children are physically safer than they have ever been—parents, schools, day cares, and lawmakers have all worked together to prevent child injuries, and they have succeeded. Not
Jean M. Twenge • Generations
“We need to focus less on what makes us different and more on what makes us the same.”
Jean M. Twenge • Generations
Not anymore. Gen Z teens not only wait to get their driver’s license, they wait to take part in every other activity associated with independence and adulthood.
Jean M. Twenge • Generations
With so much data, it’s possible to get a better understanding of generational differences than ever before.
Jean M. Twenge • Generations
Any rise in mental health issues seems to have begun after the Silents, and not with them.
Jean M. Twenge • Generations
Disappointment might also explain why mental health issues rose the most among college-educated Millennials.