When sports gambling is legalized, home team losses lead to a 10 percentage point increase intimate partner violence. The effect is stronger in states that allow mobile betting—particularly around paydays and when a home team is on a winning streak. https://t.co/shfUx3xb7F https://t.co/Z9KYlIgJRk
they’re both dependent on recreational bettors to make their profits. In
Nate Silver • On the Edge: The Art of Risking Everything
What we learn from this is that people will resort to violence if they can get away with it when it provides them with benefits.
Robin Dunbar • Friends: Understanding the Power of our Most Important Relationships
Marc Weinstein • Social Money
While surveys show the willingness to use violence has risen about equally on both sides, a much larger share of the actual rise in violence has been by red-zone partisans, many of them affiliated with self-designated “militia” movements.
Neil Howe • The Fourth Turning Is Here: What the Seasons of History Tell Us about How and When This Crisis Will End
As a player, you bet more when the odds of getting a card you want are in your favor and less when they are against you.
Morgan Housel • The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness
Car, pour beaucoup de femmes, ces pulsions et cette attirance vers la violence contrôlée, ou pas, demeurent un mystère. Mais la réalité est plus complexe. Même si la santé mentale de ces femmes peut être remise en question, il n’en reste pas moins que cette fascination pour la violence est ancrée dans nos gènes.
M. A • MGTOW: Ces hommes qui prennent leur propre chemin (French Edition)
The study compared crime around hundreds of buildings cited by the new ordinance that complied with the violation and installed working windows and doors (treated buildings), to hundreds of buildings cited by the ordinance that made no renovations (control buildings). These comparisons were made within the same sections of the city, and treated and
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