my arc rn: letting go of the idea I need fixing, but also learning to recognize that sometimes under the voice that says "I need fixing" is a voice saying "I'm in pain and alone, come find me & love me". and responding to that voice feels so different than trying to fix myself

updated 4mo ago

  • from The Burnout Antidote by Anne Berube

    juarry added

  • from Ten things you must do if you want to rediscover who you really are: by Alex Mathers


  • And to live in your own story is to set your own arc — to find your own voice that rings sweetly through the silence. To recognize and accept your desires instead of running from them — whether they are selfish, absurd, mundane. And to accept responsibility for your choices. Choosing who you love. Choosing what you love. Hildegard: we cannot live i
  • ... See more

from internal confidence by Substack

Supreedha added