been thinking of this a lot lately
"I don't know where I'm going, but I know exactly how to get there."
I recently heard this quote from Boyd Varty. It spoke to me, because one of my greatest fears is not getting to where I want to be. Not because I don't think I'll get there, but because I don't know where "there" is. I don't know what I want to be , do or accomplish . I don't know ... See more
What's in my NOW? — Larissa Fernandes
- ⚡️Capitalize on fleeting motivation by developing discipline to traverse the “Valley of Pain”
- ☠️ In the “Valley of Pain”, learn to recognize its demons: fear, research, excuses, illusion of time, & external validation.
- ✨ Eventually, you’ll reach the land of “Feeling Good”, because mood follows discip
Patricia Mou • ✨ Wellness Wisdom vol.31: a mental model for habits & self-actualization
I want to do x, so why can’t I?
For many months now (as you could tell by my silence) I have had the hardest time prioritizing the thing that’s important to me. Writing. Not just here publicly but also my own personal writing that happens in the early morning when my brain’s rested but fuzzy and supple and things spill out with ease, or late at nig... See more
For many months now (as you could tell by my silence) I have had the hardest time prioritizing the thing that’s important to me. Writing. Not just here publicly but also my own personal writing that happens in the early morning when my brain’s rested but fuzzy and supple and things spill out with ease, or late at nig... See more
The rhododendron and I share a vintage
That’s the elegant secret to discipline: valuing your future self as highly as you value your current self, at least long enough to get your Right Now Self to do the right thing. That moment of choice is where the ants go one way and grasshoppers the other.
David Cain • The elegant secret to self-discipline
You see, DISCIPLINE is the only thing required to unlock a treasure trove of resources, resources which can change your life forever.