The Congressional Budget Office has released new demographic projections, and they're alarming. Fertility is so low that U.S. population growth is predicted to be entirely due to immigration by the early-2030s.
fertility drops much below 2.1 babies per woman, the population will shrink unless offset by immigration.
Greg Ip • The Little Book of Economics: How the Economy Works in the Real World (Little Books. Big Profits)
As a result, food prices increase, real wages decline, and per capita consumption, especially among the poorer strata, drops. Economic distress leads to lower reproduction and higher mortality rates, resulting in a slower population growth.
Peter Turchin, Sergey A. Nefedov • Secular Cycles
En 2070, selon l’Insee, la population française sera supérieure à celle d’aujourd’hui alors que celle de l’Italie, par exemple, risque d’être réduite d’un quart environ. De 17,2 pour 1 000 en 1971, le taux français de natalité a régulièrement décru jusqu’en 1994 à 12,3. Il s’est redressé à 12,8 (2008) puis avoisinait 12 depuis 2015 ; il est de 11 e
... See moreJean-Claude Barbier, Michaël Zemmour, • Le système français de protection sociale (French Edition)
la reproduction artificielle et l’immigration étaient les deux moyens utilisés par les sociétés contemporaines pour compenser la baisse de leurs taux de fécondité. Les pays modernes comme le Japon et la Corée s’orientaient vers la reproduction artificielle, alors que les pays techniquement moins avancés, comme ceux d’Europe occidentale, avaient rec
... See moreMichel Houellebecq • Anéantir (French Edition)
- Declining birth rates
- Inversion of population pyramid
- E.g., Japan
ELON MUSK: "Birthrate might be the biggest threat to the future of human civilization“
When the birth rate is below replacement, the country tilts toward having more older people than younger ones.
Jean M. Twenge • Generations
Not all of the challenges facing the region are geopolitical. One is demographic. The region is aging more rapidly than any region in history. The principal causes are increased life expectancy, low immigration levels, and declining fertility, something often associated with economic success. Many of these countries (in particular Japan and China)
... See moreRichard Haass • The World
Everyone agreed that France faced a demographic crisis.