For those who advise for a living—consultants, financial planners, estate attorneys, CPAs—I've got something for you! One aspect I appreciate about those who provide life advice is the ability to shift their mindset. I'm talking about transitioning from the notion of merely being compensated for rendering a service to viewing yourself as a curator of WISDOM. Imagine yourself as the proprietor of an intellectual property business. In essence, you're packaging your valuable insights. We can think of this process as creating knowledge products. In the past, this might have meant writing books, but now the possibilities are boundless. You can explore creating a YouTube channel, a podcast, a subscription-based podcast, mini-guides, or online courses. The range of potential artifacts or souvenirs to convey your wisdom is limitless! Here's how to get started: 1- 📝 Document Conversations: Capture your community interactions. Write them down, record them—get those valuable insights out of your head. 2- 📣 Share Stories: Transform those insights into compelling stories. Whether it's audio, video, or text, pick your preferred medium and share your wisdom. 3- 🤝 Engage With Responses: Respond to reactions and feedback. Engaging with your audience enhances the quality of your work and fosters a sense of community. 4- 🔁 Repeat: Consistency is key. Keep the process going. Document, share, engage, and repeat. Over time, you'll see the impact and gain a sense of fulfillment. Do your thing. My world is better when you do! This comes straight from Episode 632 of Behavior Gap Radio.