we cut the world into pieces with words, distinctions, categories. analogy and metaphor sews things back together, reminds us of the inherent sameness of everything
Metaphors are interpreters—what interpreters do for bits and bytes, metaphors do for reality. They translate physical experiences into thoughts, ideas, insights and lessons that can be interpreted and understood, acted upon and shared.
The eerie certainty we have of existing as separate creatures in a world full of things that are not us, our ability to create abstract symbolic representations of our mental states and use language to communicate these interior states of mind—all
Abby Smith Rumsey • When We Are No More: How Digital Memory Is Shaping Our Future
A metaphor too is a kind of map; it may be all you have when you are first encountering a new territory shrouded in mist.
Tim O'Reilly • Wtf?
Content has become like clay. LLMs can remix it, summarize it, elaborate on it, hallucinate it, combine it with other content, freely transform it between text, audio, image, and back again. It seems we have achieved a kind of information post-scarcity. A regime of radical overproduction. A content singularity. How will this change things?
Gordon Brander • LLMs and information post-scarcity
The picture or image that this derivation suggests is of a stream of meaning flowing among and through us and between us. This will make possible a flow of meaning in the whole group, out of which may emerge some new understanding.
David Bohm • On Dialogue
As thought artists, we work in mixed media, assembling mental material from the twigs and seeds, dyes and putties of language, written across times in various genres and by distinct voices.
Perry Zurn • Curious Minds: The Power of Connection
It has blurred the distinctions between categories of information—distinctions of form, register, sense, and importance—that the epistemic architecture of the analog era preserved and even accentuated. Content has collapsed, as our adoption of the drab, generic term content to refer to all forms of expression testifies. Everything now has to fit th
... See moreNicholas Carr • Superbloom: How Technologies of Connection Tear Us Apart
We need the mental models provided by our technology, the words we make up for its concepts and metaphors, in order to describe and properly understand that analogous processes are already at play in the more-than-human world.