Good Charts

Scott Berinato,
Scott Berinato • Good Charts
Scott Berinato • Good Charts
to create four quadrants. Often used to illustrate a typology based on two variables, such as the Four Types chart presented in this book. (Also called a matrix.)
Scott Berinato • Good Charts
2 × 2 matrix: Box bisected horizontally and vertically
Scott Berinato • Good Charts
Software will continue to get better, in the ways we can already see and in ways we can’t yet imagine. But what it won’t do—what it can’t do—is intuit your context.
Scott Berinato • Good Charts
Depth and complexity will become on-demand services. Show me more. Show me less. Show me just this. Show me only that.
Scott Berinato • Good Charts
It changes a visualization’s essential nature from imparted to shared; from a transaction—something you present or hand over—to a collaboration, which you work on and adjust with others.
Scott Berinato • Good Charts
In short, visualization tools are evolving to make everything available but not always visible.
Scott Berinato • Good Charts
cool. Pick all different kinds. Simple ones. Boring ones. Complex, artful ones. Ones on topics you know nothing about. Then follow this simple process for critiquing and workshopping them: 1. Make a note of the first few things you see. Don’t think—react. What stands out? Is it a peak? A color? Lots of words? 2. Make a note of the first idea that f
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